Saturday, July 5, 2008

scavenger hunt picture

sorry guys i have not been home for a long time i went to camp and then i came home for about 3 days and have been with bradie (the girl) since then so chill out guys here you go


Erin said...

It's about time!! I thought you fell off the face of the earth or something!! I love the pictures of the "sport". Everyone looks so serene and peaceful!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Good job lil sis... Love the pictures

Chy said...

I hear you about not being home at all! Camp, home for a day then went to babysit overnight for a weekend, then came home for 5 or so days and left for EFY for a week! Happy bed of mine own!

Just Wedeminute said...

What great pics!

Shawna said...

IS THAT ELVIS?!?!?!?! Oh, wait. It's just Clinton. Darn.

dirttastesbad said...

I love the pic baby sis. I never realized what lazy fisherman the men in our family are.