Tuesday, June 10, 2008


we found the missing gnome but the dog found him first and bit off the tip of his hat. but now i'm glad to report that he walked out of the arts and crafts room with only a few bumps and bruises. here is a picture of the little guy after surgery. the butterfly stitches are holding well.


Ninny said...

I love his additions! And good to know that he still has his Clinton hair!

Erin said...

I'm not a part of the whole "gnome" scandal but I wish I were! maybe next time I'll have to grab one and then send it back via FedEx! Love ya!

Erin said...

Come on Chili! Get with the program! How am I supposed to see how you're doing if you won't update!!! I love you!!

Erin said...

All right little girl! This is your last warning! Start posting or I'm going to send little people to tickle you while you sleep! Trust me, it's not as fun as it sounds! I love you!